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From the beginning of ISRO in 1969 to present-day it’s passed a glorious 50 years and make our nation self reliant in the field using space technology in different areas nation-building In the time of its beginning, world-renowned Indian space scientist Vikram Sarabhai said..” We have no fantasies of landing people on Moon or studying planets..”

Written by Debopam Sarkar, B.Sc (Agriculture), 3rd Semester

From the satellite telecommunication experiments project (STEP) that took the first televisions signal beaming project to the Indian villagers.
Which was much before India officially started its commercial television signal beaming through satellite for its citizen. Through that system, Indian fishers and farmers are able to get satellite-based real-time advisories about the weather and other pieces of information which enabled them to protect their hard harvesting crops well ahead from different natural calamities. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has taken an essential role in the Indian advancement of agriculture from its time of independence to present. In recent, 2019 Indian space agency had achieved a milestone in the field of space research through the successful launched its second mission to Moon within a very low-cost budget in respect of other Moon missions of the World.

From the beginning of ISRO in 1969 to present-day it’s passed a glorious 50 years and make our nation self reliant in the field using space technology in different areas nation-building In the time of its beginning, world-renowned Indian space scientist Vikram Sarabhai said..” We have no fantasies of landing people on Moon or studying planets..” so from the beginning Indian space project programme had thrust on the development of ordinary people of the country. In respect of that, ISRO focused primarily on earth observation and communication through its curriculum. In the result of that vision, India sent in orbit most of the satellite to observe weather and other related information which help its people in the field of agriculture, navigation for fishing and advancement of telecommunications and health facilities in remote areas of India.

In early days Indian space agency was dependent on the foreign countries to sent its satellite into orbit, but at present ISRO break that barrier through innovation and research. So from our national launch pad in Sriharikota, we can send our and other nations satellite into space through our indigenously built rocket like PSLV, GSLV or SSLV. In the result of that in 15th February 2017, ISRO had touched a landmark in its history by sending 104 satellite in space commercially at a time, of different countries, through its rocket. In the result of its success American space agency, NASA and Japan had shown keen interest to do a joint mission project to Moon and exploration project in Mars with ISRO and other smaller nations of the World, like Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, Sri-Lanka, Afghanistan, Italy, Spain etc. also interested to use cheaper Indian space technology for its development of Agriculture and fisheries or other fields like irrigation and mining. In addition to that ISRO also formed a commercial wing called ANTRIX, through it, ISRO will explore vast satellite launch market of the World. It’s cost-effective SSLV (Small Satellite Launch Vehicle), will play an important role in this field and through that project ISRO will boost our national honour one hand, and on the other, it will also open the way to earn a well amount of foreign exchange for the
country. Through that SSLV ISRO So it will bring a major effect on technology and economy both. Through that SSLV ISRO already placed seven low orbit satellite into space to build India’s own GPS System NaviC or Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) Indian own GPS system NaviC . In today’s advanced world Indian progress in the different fields never can be dreamed without the help of ISRO.

** Some future projects of ISRO…

  • ……. Mission Aditya, to study sun.
  • ……..Human spaceflight programme (Gaganyan) and second Mars mission.
  • ……. Mission to Venus.
  • ……..Joint Lunar exploration with Japan.

Photo Credit: www.thehansindia.com

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