In the world wide about 60% of the people use traditional medicines derived from medicinal plants. It has also been acquired by people of developed and developing countries since voyeuristic medicinal plants have an evident bit in human life to heal numerous diseases.
Written by Ushashee Mandal and *Gyanranjan Mahallik
Since the dawn of time plants has been wedge of civilization. According the record, in India around 6000 plants are used in traditional herbal medicines etc. (1). Since prehistoric times enactment has been in actuality that Natural medicines are considered as extracted from the medicinal plants (2). India is bestowed with vast biodiversity of medicinal plants. There are unique schemes in which plants have been found beneficials in medicines such as raw extract of plants has been used instantly because of the existence of natural chemical constituents (3).
Tinospora cordifolia is one amongst the most pliant restoring bushes. This is normal herb utilized as a part of Ayurvedic medication. It detains many biologically important phytochemicals which play immunomodulatory activity in human body including lactones, alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, sesquiterpenoid, diterpenoid, etc. (4). It has anti-diabetic (5), antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory (6), antiperiodic, antispasmodic, anti-arthritic, anti-allergic (7), antimicrobial, anti-osteoporotic (8), antitoxic, anti-stress, anticancer, anti-HIV, wound healing (9), cardio tonic, carminative, bitter tonic, blood purifier properties which improve digestion and boost the immune system and also helps to reduce stress and anxiety, detoxification of body, to control fever, treatment in type-2 diabetes, fight against respiratory issue, improve eye vision, treat asthma and arthritis disease and helps in the tumor chemotherapy.
The following herbal formulation is receiving enormous popularity and found to be helpful for preventing and curing COVID-19 disorder.
- Giloy (Size on one Bhibdi) + Tulsi (6 leaves) + Ginger (1/2 tsp.) + Kali mirch (4-6 seeds)
- Crush/Grind them all together and use it as herbal tea or mix it with honey and consume it. It can control cough, fever and also support immunity.
According to the history of traditional medicine using Tinospora cordifolia has divulge it to have pharmacological value as, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, immune-modulator activity, anti-oxidant, antifertility activity etc.
- Anti-allergic activity
In a clinical study, 100% relief was reported from sneezing in 83% of the patients on treatment with T. cordifolia. Thus, Tinospora cordifolia significantly decreased all symptoms of allergic rhinitis and was welltolerated.
- Anti-stress and tonic property
The anti-stress and tonic property of the plant was clinically tested and it was found that it brought about good response in children with moderate degree of behavior disorders and mental deficit.
- Anti-inflammatory
The alcoholic extract of Tinospora cordifolia has been found to exert anti-inflammatory actions in models of acute and subacute inflammation.
- Antifertility activity
Oral administration of 70% methanolic extract of Tinospora cordifolia stem to male rats at a dose level of 100 mg/d for 60 days did not cause body weight loss but decreased the weight of testes, epididymis, seminal vesicle and ventral prostate in a significant manner.
- Anti-ulcer activity
Tinospora cordifolia has been shown to reduce ulcer index total acidity, with an increase in the pH of gastric fluid in pylorus-ligated rats and in the ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury in rats.
Tinospora cordifolia has a unique place in the traditional medicinal plants as it has multipurpose medicinal agents. This plant is considered as the National Medicinal Plant as this plant is used as the most effective plant as it used for curing from the corona virus (COVID-19).
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Photo Credit: https://www.herzindagi.com/