CSaR Monthly Magazine of CUTM
As soon as a computer signals a print, the material is first melted and is then laid down in layers which then solidifies quickly to create the model. 3D technology has now opened up new ways of preparing models for new technical innovations. 3D technology […]
Non-Fiction Science and TechnologyAs soon as a computer signals a print, the material is first melted and is then laid down in layers which then solidifies quickly to create the model. 3D technology has now opened up new ways of preparing models for new technical innovations. 3D technology has now opened up new ways of preparing models for new technical innovations. It can produce toys, parts of automobiles, miniature models and countless of other types of things. The same can be used in a very unorthodox purpose which is creating prosthetics for missing body structures of animals.
Written by Suvam Kanungo, MSc. Zoology (4th Sem), SoAS, Dept of Zoology
3D printing process uses a CAD or computer generated model to create three dimensional objects. It does not require any moulds and is quite cheaper than making models compared to conventional methods. These 3D models are basically created by using small grains of variety of materials (eg. plastic, carbon fiber etc) . As soon as a computer signals a print, the material is first melted and is then laid down in layers which then solidifies quickly to create the model. 3D technology has now opened up new ways of preparing models for new technical innovations. It can produce toys, parts of automobiles, miniature models and countless of other types of things. The same can be used in a very unorthodox purpose which is creating prosthetics for missing body structures of animals. It can hence serve as an important tool in animal health and thus conservation as well. Once a model is created by using any of the available softwares it can be saved as a file and can be accessed and printed any time we want. Another important advantage is that it can make objects with accurate measurements.
Not many people care about animals receiving prosthetics. Animals who are missing important body parts are often euthanized .But now that we have 3D printing technology we can design prosthetics that closely mimic true body parts. This shall save animal lives in an ethical point of view .It can give a smile to both owners of pets and animals themselves. Again it is a promising perspective regarding conservation because even if we can save a single animal of a species which has a low count in the wild we can actually save the declining species population. Let us consider a female Great Indian Bustard or a Javan Rhino which is about to lay or give birth has lost a body part( for eg.Bustard losing a part of a beak).Now we can’t afford to lose the animal since it species population has already declined .Here prosthetics can come to the rescue and specially 3D printing can help.
Till date we have only handful recorded cases of animals receiving prosthetics by 3D printing. Although it is quite cheap, easily available ,quite flexible regarding its utility(can be used to design various models) but its use in the animal prosthetic technology field has not been given much importance. A model once designed in a computer can be shared with other conservation centres and veterinary hospitals in need .For the same body parts of animals of same species or closely related species we need to make small modifications depending on the size of the receiver animal and the basic design once done shall remain the same.
Among few successful applications of the technology we have beaks of various birds,shells of tortoise , tails of crocodiles, and limbs of various animals. Only in rare cases these animals can be released back into the wild but it still can make a great difference since we can use them for breeding purposes. Few pictures of such successful applications in prosthetics has been given below.
Photos: www.indiatimes.com, www.sciencealert.com
It was nearly afternoon when my father received a call. To tell you a secret, my father has always been a rather whimsical man. But when he gets a call to solve some conundrum, his face becomes serious. It’s funny to see a man laughing […]
FictionIt was nearly afternoon when my father received a call. To tell you a secret, my father has always been a rather whimsical man. But when he gets a call to solve some conundrum, his face becomes serious. It’s funny to see a man laughing at silly jokes of his own 2 minutes before, suddenly turn pale and serious- a rather metamorphosis of personality occurs. “Strange!”
Written by Aishani Chowdhury, B.Sc. Agriculture, 3rd Semester
I have always accompanied my father since childhood. He used to take me to all the places he had been assigned to as a detective. I simply enjoyed his presence of mind and was amazed by the way he delivered his thoughts and solved the mystery within the blink of an eye. “It’s not easy.” He used to say. “You have to be in someone else’s shoe. Don’t let these emotions get you.”
There was a case nearly 3 months back- case involving a criminal. Now every case has a criminal mastermind, but this was different. This time a criminal needed our help. You may wonder how so let me get into the details without further ado. It was nearly afternoon when my father received a call. To tell you a secret, my father has always been a rather whimsical man. But when he gets a call to solve some conundrum, his face becomes serious. It’s funny to see a man laughing at silly jokes of his own 2 minutes before, suddenly turn pale and serious- a rather metamorphosis of personality occurs. “Strange!” he said as he finished taking on the phone. “I need to go to the lockup really fast now”. “What’s the matter?” mom asked. “I guess we’ll have to find out” father said looking at me. We reached the central jail within 30 minutes. The cops led us to the criminal’s cell. “Don’t know what’s gotten into him. It was all quiet and cops were patrolling the area when suddenly he screamed out loud for help. He was saying that some man was trying to kill him but how is that possible?” one police officer briefed us with the story. Father entered the cell and asked “Did you see anyone?” I looked at the man and saw terror in his eyes. “I was sleeping at the corner sir. Suddenly I saw a hand emerging from the darkness and he started choking me. I am scared sir.” “Did you see his face or anything that might help you identify him the next time when you see him again?” I foraged through the surroundings but it was too dark to notice anything suspicious. “No sir. The place is too dark and moreover I was in a drowsy state. But he had a strange scar on his left palm.” “Officer please ask them to fix a new bulb here. The person who wanted to kill him might come again and it would be better to have some light in this dungeon.” “Sir, but how can you possibly believe that anyone came here in this tight security just to kill him?” the officer asked my father on the way out of the cell. “Why not sir?” father said. “Do you think everyone is as honest and hard working as you?” “So you think that there is someone among the cops who got bribed or something for killing that criminal.” “Indeed sir. And I am sure Mr. David might know something about it.” All our heads turned unanimously towards Mr. David who was lurking in the corner to hear our conversation. Being discovered Mr. David became rather flustered and said “I am sorry to eavesdrop sir but in the morning I saw Cooper and Albert talking in a corner and exchanging some materials.” Cooper was the criminal who needed our help and Albert was the guy next to his cell. “Is that so?” father asked and went to Albert’s cell to interrogate him. Albert was a very skinny man with a roughed look and scars all over his face. I quickly noticed his hand and could not find any scar on his left palm. Upon interrogating him father returned and I saw Cooper’s cell being lighted up and this time I could see him more clearly. The terror had not disappeared from his sulked face. Why would anyone want to kill him? For finding that out we needed to know his past and all the previous connections he had and who could possibly be the one wanting to kill him so badly from outside. Upon heading outside the officer handed my father a pile of papers. On our way home I saw my father engrossed in thinking. “Father I just wanted to tell you something” I said “…second time when we crossed Cooper’s cell I noticed he had a very strange looking scar on his left palm.” Father stopped for a while and smiled. “I am getting really old.” I could not understand what he meant by that but did not question him further. I saw father rummaging through all the papers and making a lot of phone calls when we reached home. Next day we reached in time. “I think I know who wanted to kill Cooper” father said. All eyes and ears were on him. “Cooper Williams was not involved in any drug dealing business nor in any kind of trafficking so there is no possibility of having any connections who thought of him as a threat. Cooper and Albert were neighbors and both of them were found guilty of killing a bunch of kids on their way home from school. They were not murderers but petty burglars. I scoured through their past and found that both of them were arrested on the same date and they only had records of petty thefts. But for some reason the bus hijacking went wrong and 10 kids were killed in the process. Cooper could not handle the trauma and Albert knew about it. So today morning he tried to talk some sense into him and handed him a picture of Cooper’s own kid. Cooper saw his own kid’s face in all the 10 dead bodies. He could not control his emotions.” Father paused for a while. “Cooper has alien hand syndrome. The trauma led to affect his mental health and his left arm became uncontrollable and started choking himself. His hand often seems to take on a mind and will of it’s own. Cooper needs therapy. No one tried to kill him. It was his own guilt and regret.” I was stunned upon hearing the revelation and even shocked to know about such a psychological disorder. Father patted my back on the way home and said “It was all because of you” and smiled the brightest smile I had seen in years.
The evolution of information security has been done immediately after the development of the mainframe computers and multiuser systems. Information security works on the principle of the CIA triad which stands for confidentiality, integrity and availability. Written by Ayush Naman Pati, CTIS Information security is […]
Non-Fiction Science and TechnologyThe evolution of information security has been done immediately after the development of the mainframe computers and multiuser systems. Information security works on the principle of the CIA triad which stands for confidentiality, integrity and availability.
Written by Ayush Naman Pati, CTIS
Information security is the process by which we can implement a barrier towards the unauthorized access to our information and our data which we have stored. In other words we can also say that information security is the process by which we can safeguard our information which conveys some special meaning.it
The evolution of information security has been done immediately after the development of the mainframe computers and multiuser systems. Information security works on the principle of the CIA triad which stands for confidentiality, integrity and availability.
Confidentiality means we shall achieve the security of the information on the following areas like personal information which includes phone no, mail id, pan no etc. Intellectual Property which includes copyright, source code, network security etc. National Property which includes the financial, defence, political information of the nation.
Integrity means it ensures the correctness of the information. When we send the data to anyone whatever data we sent that should be correct so that integrity could be achieved.
Availablity means the correct data should be available to the right person at the right time.
Methodologies involved to secure the information are:
1.cryptography 2. Steganography 3. Hashing
Cryptography is an art of science where we can apply some encryption or decryption algorithm so that the information is converted to the coded format so that it is not easily understood by humans. In cryptography, there are two processes one is encryption and decryption. Encryption means the original text (plain text) is converted to the cypher text (unreadable format) by using some encryption algorithm and it is usually done at the sender side. In decryption, we apply some decryption algorithm at the receiver side so that the cypher text is converted into the plain text.
Steganography is an art of science in which the plain text is converted into the image format at the sender side and the at receiver side the image format is converted to the plain text at the receiver side. Here the encryption algorithm is applied at the sender side ( plain text to image format ) and the decryption algorithm is used at the receiver side so that the ( image format is converted into the plain text) so basically it is the way of securing our data with the means of an image.
Hashing is the process by which we can ensure the correctness of the data. When the message sent in the sender side the message is first applied with a hashing algorithm in which it generates the address which is a combination of the letters and digits and then an address is also generated at the receiver side which is the combination of the letters then the address of the sender and the receiver is then compared and then on basis of that the information integrity is measured.
Attack:- it is the way by which we can access information by the unauthorized user is known as an attack. Basically, the attacks are of two types Active attack, Passive attack
A passive attack is the type of attack the unauthorized user gains access of information without any kind of modification is known as a passive attack. It is basically the way by which attacker gain access without modification. Types of spoofing, traffic analysis,
The active attack in this of attack the unauthorized user gain the access of information and does the modification. It has more impact with respect to passive attack. Types of relay, macaque, DOS etc.
Cyber attacks by the attackers
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-in-black-hoodie-hacking-a-computer-system-5380651
In the world wide about 60% of the people use traditional medicines derived from medicinal plants. It has also been acquired by people of developed and developing countries since voyeuristic medicinal plants have an evident bit in human life to heal numerous diseases. Written by […]
Agriculture Non-FictionIn the world wide about 60% of the people use traditional medicines derived from medicinal plants. It has also been acquired by people of developed and developing countries since voyeuristic medicinal plants have an evident bit in human life to heal numerous diseases.
Written by Ushashee Mandal and *Gyanranjan Mahallik
Since the dawn of time plants has been wedge of civilization. According the record, in India around 6000 plants are used in traditional herbal medicines etc. (1). Since prehistoric times enactment has been in actuality that Natural medicines are considered as extracted from the medicinal plants (2). India is bestowed with vast biodiversity of medicinal plants. There are unique schemes in which plants have been found beneficials in medicines such as raw extract of plants has been used instantly because of the existence of natural chemical constituents (3).
Tinospora cordifolia is one amongst the most pliant restoring bushes. This is normal herb utilized as a part of Ayurvedic medication. It detains many biologically important phytochemicals which play immunomodulatory activity in human body including lactones, alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, sesquiterpenoid, diterpenoid, etc. (4). It has anti-diabetic (5), antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory (6), antiperiodic, antispasmodic, anti-arthritic, anti-allergic (7), antimicrobial, anti-osteoporotic (8), antitoxic, anti-stress, anticancer, anti-HIV, wound healing (9), cardio tonic, carminative, bitter tonic, blood purifier properties which improve digestion and boost the immune system and also helps to reduce stress and anxiety, detoxification of body, to control fever, treatment in type-2 diabetes, fight against respiratory issue, improve eye vision, treat asthma and arthritis disease and helps in the tumor chemotherapy.
The following herbal formulation is receiving enormous popularity and found to be helpful for preventing and curing COVID-19 disorder.
According to the history of traditional medicine using Tinospora cordifolia has divulge it to have pharmacological value as, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, immune-modulator activity, anti-oxidant, antifertility activity etc.
In a clinical study, 100% relief was reported from sneezing in 83% of the patients on treatment with T. cordifolia. Thus, Tinospora cordifolia significantly decreased all symptoms of allergic rhinitis and was welltolerated.
The anti-stress and tonic property of the plant was clinically tested and it was found that it brought about good response in children with moderate degree of behavior disorders and mental deficit.
The alcoholic extract of Tinospora cordifolia has been found to exert anti-inflammatory actions in models of acute and subacute inflammation.
Oral administration of 70% methanolic extract of Tinospora cordifolia stem to male rats at a dose level of 100 mg/d for 60 days did not cause body weight loss but decreased the weight of testes, epididymis, seminal vesicle and ventral prostate in a significant manner.
Tinospora cordifolia has been shown to reduce ulcer index total acidity, with an increase in the pH of gastric fluid in pylorus-ligated rats and in the ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury in rats.
Tinospora cordifolia has a unique place in the traditional medicinal plants as it has multipurpose medicinal agents. This plant is considered as the National Medicinal Plant as this plant is used as the most effective plant as it used for curing from the corona virus (COVID-19).
Photo Credit: https://www.herzindagi.com/
From the beginning of ISRO in 1969 to present-day it’s passed a glorious 50 years and make our nation self reliant in the field using space technology in different areas nation-building In the time of its beginning, world-renowned Indian space scientist Vikram Sarabhai said..” We […]
Non-Fiction Science and TechnologyFrom the beginning of ISRO in 1969 to present-day it’s passed a glorious 50 years and make our nation self reliant in the field using space technology in different areas nation-building In the time of its beginning, world-renowned Indian space scientist Vikram Sarabhai said..” We have no fantasies of landing people on Moon or studying planets..”
Written by Debopam Sarkar, B.Sc (Agriculture), 3rd Semester
From the satellite telecommunication experiments project (STEP) that took the first televisions signal beaming project to the Indian villagers.
Which was much before India officially started its commercial television signal beaming through satellite for its citizen. Through that system, Indian fishers and farmers are able to get satellite-based real-time advisories about the weather and other pieces of information which enabled them to protect their hard harvesting crops well ahead from different natural calamities. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has taken an essential role in the Indian advancement of agriculture from its time of independence to present. In recent, 2019 Indian space agency had achieved a milestone in the field of space research through the successful launched its second mission to Moon within a very low-cost budget in respect of other Moon missions of the World.
From the beginning of ISRO in 1969 to present-day it’s passed a glorious 50 years and make our nation self reliant in the field using space technology in different areas nation-building In the time of its beginning, world-renowned Indian space scientist Vikram Sarabhai said..” We have no fantasies of landing people on Moon or studying planets..” so from the beginning Indian space project programme had thrust on the development of ordinary people of the country. In respect of that, ISRO focused primarily on earth observation and communication through its curriculum. In the result of that vision, India sent in orbit most of the satellite to observe weather and other related information which help its people in the field of agriculture, navigation for fishing and advancement of telecommunications and health facilities in remote areas of India.
In early days Indian space agency was dependent on the foreign countries to sent its satellite into orbit, but at present ISRO break that barrier through innovation and research. So from our national launch pad in Sriharikota, we can send our and other nations satellite into space through our indigenously built rocket like PSLV, GSLV or SSLV. In the result of that in 15th February 2017, ISRO had touched a landmark in its history by sending 104 satellite in space commercially at a time, of different countries, through its rocket. In the result of its success American space agency, NASA and Japan had shown keen interest to do a joint mission project to Moon and exploration project in Mars with ISRO and other smaller nations of the World, like Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, Sri-Lanka, Afghanistan, Italy, Spain etc. also interested to use cheaper Indian space technology for its development of Agriculture and fisheries or other fields like irrigation and mining. In addition to that ISRO also formed a commercial wing called ANTRIX, through it, ISRO will explore vast satellite launch market of the World. It’s cost-effective SSLV (Small Satellite Launch Vehicle), will play an important role in this field and through that project ISRO will boost our national honour one hand, and on the other, it will also open the way to earn a well amount of foreign exchange for the
country. Through that SSLV ISRO So it will bring a major effect on technology and economy both. Through that SSLV ISRO already placed seven low orbit satellite into space to build India’s own GPS System NaviC or Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) Indian own GPS system NaviC . In today’s advanced world Indian progress in the different fields never can be dreamed without the help of ISRO.
** Some future projects of ISRO…
Photo Credit: www.thehansindia.com